Sunday, April 01, 2007

Away Weekend

With the arrival of spring, it's time to start thinking about where CISS will hold away weekends this year. The following sites are possibilities:

If you have a preference, or another suggestion, leave it in the comments! Remember, the club doesn't work without its members!


Anonymous said...

How 'bout Marion, with its multiple runways, on-airport fuel, friendly operators and local CISS members? With any luck, we might even pick up a new member or 2.

Darren said...

Actually I meant this post as an April Fools Day joke, but if people are going to take it seriously and start making good suggestions, I guess I can roll that way.

Anonymous said...

My impression is that we settled on Marion at the last board meeting. I thought that it would be simultaneous with their Labor Day event. Maybe just one of these ideas was selected.