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From: chris carpenter
Hello to my CISS friends,
Looks like I'm missing a great summer in Central Indy!
I finally got to fly for the first time last Saturday.
WX was good here too with cloud base at about 6200 msl (field elevation about 300 ft) and a few very strong thermals. I was in one thermal for 1-1/2 turns and gained a little over 800 ft. Sunday was reported to be even better with cloud base at 7800.
The airport we fly out of (Anson County) is the size of Terry with the traffic of Alexandria. 5000 ft of new asphalt and 1000 ft overruns on each end. Other
than the glider ops (which was me, an HpH 304 and the local Blanik L-13) I saw one power plane land on Saturday. Would make a great winch location.
Attached are some Pix from the flight. Note the abundance of trees and lack of Indiana size farm fields.
Hope everyone is doing well. CU later. Chris