Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mark Rottler Soaring Discussions Announcement

I want to let you know that we're changing the topic for the next CISS Study Group session.  Ron Clarke has volunteered to lead a session on "Weather Resources & Analysis."  This session will take place on Sunday 17 October starting at 11am. All members are welcome and are encouraged to attend and participate in the discussions. 

We had a good turnout for Mario's session on "Thermaling and Speeds to Fly"  last Sunday.  Thanks again to Mario for leading a great session!

Monday, September 27, 2010

New CISS Commercial Glider Pilot and Flight Instructor

Congratulations to Olaf Tessarzyk for successfully completing two check rides on Sunday 26 September and going home with two new ratings on his pilot certificates. 

Credit is also due tow pilot Larry Miller who had some interesting tows as Olaf worked to teach "difficult student:" DPE Ron Ridenour how to fly behind the tow plane, the ground crew, and other CISS members who worked overtime to complete the last flight after 6 pm.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Congratulations for Silver C Altitude Leg

On Sunday September 12, Mark Rottler took advantage of the lift and braved the 23 kt winds aloft to climb to 5,259 ft msl with an altitude gain of 3609 ft which exceeded the Silver Badge Leg requirement of 1000 meters, or 3281 feet in 303BA. Congratulations Mark!