Wednesday, July 29, 2009

CISS Members Invited to Kendallville: August 29-30

John Earlywine from the Kendallville soaring club has invited us to come up and spend the weekend Aug 29th. He is offering a Brazilian BBQ and Towing Thursday through Sunday. We will still have our normal operations at Alex but are encouraging any members with wanderlust to head north for the weekend. They are promising a Brazilian BBQ for anyone who shows up. We can camp or RV at the airport or at a campsite 4 miles away. John might even take us up in his DG 1000!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Flying on Monday and Tuesday with Youth Camp

Feel free to join us for youth camp this Monday and Tuesday July 27 and 28. We have tow pilots all day, both days. The youth will be using the two Blaniks, but the Grob and PW 5 will be available. Monday looks pretty good in terms of WX. Come join the fun. The more the merrier!


Saturday, July 25, 2009

No soaring Saturday July 25

As I write this, the thunder and rain are apparent outside my window, and the forecast is for more all morning. And when the front passes in early afternoon, the winds are expected to kick up to 15-25 mph with higher gusts. Of course there were some GREAT soaring days duing the week. This seems to have been the pattern this year: good weekday soaring, lousy weekends. See you next time. Don Taylor, Crew Chief.

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Gold Distance Times Two

Monday, July 6th 2009, was one of the best, if not the absolute best in Indiana this year.
Cloud bases to 6500, thermal strengths of 5 knots average, and best of all, the conditions lasted from about 11:30am to about 7:00pm.
Knowing that the day was going to be good, Gerry Simpson and Dan Dewitt decided to give a try to the 300Km gold distance.
We spent about 2 hours Sunday evening planing for the flight.
The wind was predicted to be about 15mph from the North-West, so the flight plans contained long legs along the expected cloud streets.
Alex-Frankfort-FoxStation-Randolph-Alex for Gerry.
Alex-Frankfort-Wabash-Randolph-Alex for Dan.
Monday morning, Gerry, Dan, Jack Hensel and I went to the airport to assemble and launch.
Gerry Simpson took off at 12:20; Dan Dewitt at 12:36.
Five hours and a few minutes later Gerry Simpson landed. Two minutes later Dan Dewitt landed.
Both, YES! BOTH! Gerry and Dan, PV and IZ, had successfully completed their declared 300Km tasks.

Congratulations to Gerry and Dan, from all of us at CISS.


Monday, July 06, 2009

Fwd: Flying Mon July 6th.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dan DeWitt

Short notice !!!!!!! Flying today staring 12:00 noon.  Good conditions!!!!!