Monday, November 30, 2009

Glassfibre Repairs

Friedel Weber, DG"s owner, has made arrangements to provide a copy of Ursula Hanle's Petite Plastic Plane Patch Primer for download. My understanding is this is an excellent reference for anyone interested in glassfibre repairs; but, that it has not been generally available in the past. The download is free, but there is a request for a nominal donation, if it is convenient. Full details are available at:

(This information has been forwarded from John Earlywine)

Sunday, November 22, 2009


1. Good meeting Thursday night. Mario did a fine presentation on earning all the badges from A to Diamonds. Interesting, detailed, and with good illustrations. YOU shoulda been there!

2. Saturday Tod Herrli finished his bronze badge.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Membership Meeting

There will be a Membership Meeting at the MCL Cafeteria on November19th at 7:00p.m. Elections for officers for 2010 will be held and Mario Lazaga will have a presentation on cross-country(X-C) badge flying, so all you budding x-c pilots will have the opportunity to learn from a master strategist. I am expecting the Kestrel class to expand considerably next season with all the newly licensed pilots. There is nothing more fun and challenging than x-c and making your "back yard" larger, as it was described to me a few short years ago by a master x-c artist. Immediately following, we will adjourn to a nearby establishment for refreshments, fellowship, comraderie & esprit de corps. We will need to thank all those involved for the excellent job and timing of the runway sealing project, especially Kurt Ristow, Ron Clark, Don Taylor, and George Saunders (hope I haven't left any major contributors to the work project out). Hope to see as many of you there as possible.
Gerry Simpson

Saturday, November 14, 2009

You Must Get A Plastic Copy of Your Pilot's Licence

Pilots need to upgrade to a plastic pilot certificate by March 31,
> 2010. This date is based on the 2 years after effective rule date.
> And it's easy and fast. 4 to 6 weeks if by mail, 6 to 10 days online.
> $2 if you just request a replacement, free if you are requesting removal
> of SSAN.
> Special notes: They will not put your original paper date of
> issue on the new one. It also states that you do not have to destroy
> the old one if you want to save it as a momento, just that you can not
> use it for flying.

Avoid the rush; do it now if you are still depending on a paper certificate.

Monday, November 02, 2009

Last Scheduled Day

We made a buncha flights. Ron got the trophy back from Caesar Creek. Marlon Tessarzyk completed his B and C badges, Tod Herrli finished the flight portions of the Bronze badge, and I had Yvonne up in the Grob -- her first time in a glider since the late 1960s, and she enjoyed it! A good day.