Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Labor Day Weekend Plans

It looks like we have a great labor day weekend coming up. We will be operating all weekend at Alexandria, including Monday thanks to Bob Currie on tow. The away weekend at Terry Airport was canceled. We have one Blanik in working order and the rest of the fleet is begging for a workout.

Nancy and I plan to bring our pop-up camper and camp Saturday and Sunday nights. We'd love to have some camping company either of those nights.

We are going to fire up the BBQ on Saturday night. We have some burgers left over from the women's convention and we'll cook up as many as we have takers. If you like, bring something to share - or just stick around for the burgers. We'll probably eat about 6 pm, or whenever operations are over. If there is demand we'll do the same thing Sunday night.

So, see you this weekend!


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