Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Gold Distance Times Two

Monday, July 6th 2009, was one of the best, if not the absolute best in Indiana this year.
Cloud bases to 6500, thermal strengths of 5 knots average, and best of all, the conditions lasted from about 11:30am to about 7:00pm.
Knowing that the day was going to be good, Gerry Simpson and Dan Dewitt decided to give a try to the 300Km gold distance.
We spent about 2 hours Sunday evening planing for the flight.
The wind was predicted to be about 15mph from the North-West, so the flight plans contained long legs along the expected cloud streets.
Alex-Frankfort-FoxStation-Randolph-Alex for Gerry.
Alex-Frankfort-Wabash-Randolph-Alex for Dan.
Monday morning, Gerry, Dan, Jack Hensel and I went to the airport to assemble and launch.
Gerry Simpson took off at 12:20; Dan Dewitt at 12:36.
Five hours and a few minutes later Gerry Simpson landed. Two minutes later Dan Dewitt landed.
Both, YES! BOTH! Gerry and Dan, PV and IZ, had successfully completed their declared 300Km tasks.

Congratulations to Gerry and Dan, from all of us at CISS.


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