Monday, August 23, 2010

All Members Welcome - 11 am Sunday Soaring Soaring Discussions

A few CISS members have talked about various ways to learn about soaring.  These discussions coalesced into an informal study group.  The group's goal is to have interactive learning sessions about specific soaring topics lead by an experienced pilot.

The first session was last weekend.  John Earlywine lead a  discussion about cross country flight planning.  At the end of the discussion, we talked about ways to expand the group and gain additional member participation.  The group came up with a schedule for the rest of the year and all CISS members are invited to participate.  Here is our schedule:

August 29
Weather Resources & Analysis
Ron Clarke
September 12
Radio Procedures
Nyal Williams
September 26
Thermaling & Speed to Fly
Mario Lazaga
October 17
Glider Instrumentation
October 31
Off-season Exercises & Resources

Sessions will be held at Alexandria starting at 11am and should last an hour or so.  All CISS members are welcome to join us for any (or all) of the discussions.  We think interactive sessions are a great way to learn more about soaring.  The more people who participate, the greater the opportunity to gain from collective experience.  

We've been very fortunate to have three experienced pilots volunteer as discussion leaders for upcoming sessions.  We would love it if a couple more experienced CISS pilots would be willing to lead either of the last two sessions.  If you're interested in volunteering, please drop me a line.

We hope you find one of the scheduled topics interesting. If so, please join us.

Mark Rottler

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