Tuesday, May 31, 2005

May 30th. Oh Boy! Oh Boy!

More strong soaring conditions yesterday, according to Dave Newill (and according to the view out my kitchen door).
Mario Lazaga reports:
This month of May came in like a lion, turned into a lamb, then lion, lamb, and went out like a lion. Meh-rcy!
Dave Newill, Pete Detore and I went the only gliding pilots at the field Monday, May 30th.
Mike Nichols was exceedingly nice, drove to the airport, towed 2 planes and drove back home.
Dave took off at about 1:30 and Pete and I took off at about 1:45.
Two hours and 30 minutes later, Dave landed, and about 10 minutes after Dave, we landed.
The day was "as good as it gets" with beautiful CU's everywhere, nice, strong thermals under each one of them, and a cloudbase of exactly 8000ft MSL (exxssakktleee!).
A few minutes before landing, with Dave already on the ground, we observed a visiting (mysterious?) sailplane circling over our airport at about 5000 ft but we couldn't read its tail markings and he didn't answer our radio calls. He was probably tunned to a different frequency.

Mario's knees at 7000 feet.

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