Monday, April 10, 2006

Sunday Flying - April 9th

Visitors from the Kendallville club
L to R: Paul Sprandel, Leandro Guimaraes, Dean Pfefferkorn, and John Earlywine, of the Kendallville Club, flew in for a visit.
The tired operations director reports:
Well, Daylight Saving Time has its advantages and disadvantages. From a pilots perspective, it's great to have that extra daylight and lift until late. From a crew's view - it's a long hard day (not that we'd give it up!). Crew 8 finally left the field at 7:30pm - Yes - 7:30! - (the new LS-4 trio were still grinning ear to ear as Jack and I drove off). Let's see - 11 hours - if only the crew was unionized we could collect overtime (Nyal will head off any attempt to do so).

I don't think I've stayed that late in a long time. We had 32 (or was it 33) flights for the day. Many BFR's accomplished and a number of guests out to see what the heck we crazy people were doing. So make note future good day crews - bring dinner too!!

Thanks to those that helped out keeping us running.

Next time it's MY turn to fly - Ken

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