Monday, April 23, 2007

Sunday Crew Report

Sunday, April 22nd, was not a very soarable day, but it WAS a good day.
Although it was uncomfortably windy, we had 12 flights.
A new student took instructional flights, some pilots took after-winter refreshing flights. Tom Eaton had a BFR, Chris Carpenter took some acrobatics instruction from Dale Igram and we had some nice visitors at the airport. There was a lot of very strong lift, but it was very turbulent, and surrounded (of course) by strong sink.

Thanks to tow pilots Tom Eaton and Lynn Joyce, crew members Tom Ruble and Jim White, and specially to Jack Hensel, who walked the length of the airport 8 times, for about 4 miles walking the wing.

At the end of the day, we again verified that placing the plane's wheels and dollies in the marked spots IS the fastest, easiest and most effective way to put the planes in the hangar.


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