Monday, September 15, 2008

Thursday Club Meeting

The CISS Club meeting will be this Thursday - Sept 18th at 7:00 pm at the Fishers Train station.

Topic: "Building a Strong Youth Program through Glider Camps"

Guest Speakers: Buck Towne and Steve McMannus of Caesar Creek Glider Club. They have run a successful Glider Youth Camp for the last six years. This year 20 youth attended including one of our own youth. One of their youth became a CFI during camp! Now that's leadership development.

If you care about youth - and sharing our sport with the next generation - please attend this meeting.

7PM - Thursday Sept 18 - Fishers Train Station.

Fishers Train Station
Directions – I-69 to 116th street – turn West (Left if coming from Indianapolis). Cross the rail road tracks and turn right onto Municipal Drive. The Fishers Train Station is on your right.

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