Sunday, February 14, 2010

2010 Calendar

CISS 2010 Schedule

Feb. 25th Board Meeting 7:00p.m. Fishers Train Station

Apr. 1st Mandatory Spring Safety Castleton MCL
Meeting 7:00p.m.

. 3rd First Day of Full Operations I-99

10th Field Clean-Up Day I-99
Mandatory Spring Safety 9:00a.m.
Meeting (for those who miss April 1st)
Evening Barbeque

17th Board Meeting 9:00a.m. I-99

May 1st Membership Meeting 9:00a.m. I-99

15th Pancake Breakfast & Fly-In I-99
EAA International Learn to
Fly Promotion

June 19th Board Meeting 9:00a.m. I-99

July 17th Membership Meeting 9:00a.m. I-99
Field Clean-Up Day
Evening Barbeque

Aug. 14th EAA Young Eagles I-99
50th Anniversary Evening
Barbeque (memories & thoughts)
Group Picture

21st Board Meeting 9:00a.m. I-99
EAA Chapter 2 Ft. Wayne
Fly-In/Out to I-99

Sep. 18th Membership Meeting 9:00a.m. I-99

Oct. 16th Board Meeting 9:00a.m. I-99
End of Year Clean-Up Day
Family Appreciation Spaghetti
End of Year Slide Show

30th Bonfire/ Mini-Octoberfest

Nov. 18th Membership Meeting 7:00p.m. Castleton MCL

Dec. 16th Board Meeting 7:00p.m. Castleton MCL

Jan. 22nd, 2011 Winter Banquet


May - Cross-Country Camp
July - Youth Camp
July - Away Day Or Weekend
Sept. - Club Safari
Sept. - Non –sanctioned 3-Day Weekend Cross Country Contest

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