Sunday, February 14, 2010

Dataplate Exemption for Gliders

The following article is republished from the Chicagoland Glider Council Newsletter.
To be legal without an identification plate through October 2011, individual and club gliders need to carry this paperwork onboard. The documents are available for download at:

Identification Plate
Exemption # 4988 for Gliders
By Burt Compton via R.A.S.
For USA Gliders - The SSA has it covered. Just some of the good
behind the scenes work they accomplish for us. The Identification Plate
Exemption # 4988 and the Extension Letter (now valid to OCT 30,
2011), are on the SSA website.
Yes, you must carry both documents in the glider if you do not want to
secure an external identification plate to your glider. The exemption
letter is reissued by the FAA every 3 years, at the discretion of the
FAA, after the SSA submits a petition. I believe Judy Ruprecht is
submitting this recurring petition for us.
To clarify a bit, there are two documents that one must carry for this.
1. The original exemption letter, which is 4 pages long. It can
be downloaded from:
2. Since the original exemption from that letter terminates on
Oct 30, 1990, you also need the extension letter, which is 2
pages long. It is at:
Caution, one of the older pages on the SSA site lists these pages of
the 2002 update letter, which is now useless. You should use the
current ones mentioned above.
As another poster mentioned, there doesn't seem to be any restriction
against two sided printing, or scaling the pages smaller and putting
several on a page. It probably should be kept readable, but one sheet
can be tucked securely away somewhere. I keep my own copy in the
bag with my logbooks and charts as well. It might reduce
embarrassment some day.

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