Sunday, November 07, 2004

501(c)(3) application

The actual form used to apply for status as a tax free 501(c)(3) organization is IRS Form 1023. The form and the instructions are available on line.

The IRS recently changed this form completely! The new form is much more comprehensible and should be easier to use than the old one.

It would be helpful for everyone who is interested in helping with this project to go to and "Search Forms and Publications" for Form 1023 (revised 10-2004, not the 1998 version), download it and the instructions, and read it carefully. You don't have to print yourself a hard copy - it is quite long!

The form:

The instructions:

You will need free Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0 to use these files properly. Go get Acrobat Reader 6.0 and install it on your computer if you haven't already. You will need it to open these IRS files.

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