Friday, November 19, 2004

World Distance Award

Sign up for this NOW.

The World Distance Award is a lifetime award for accumulating 40,000 km of cross-country soaring flights. The rules have been tinkered with recently, so if you have any cross-country flights in your log book and think you ever might have any interest in participating, sign up before the end of the year and submit all your eligible cross-country flights to date. After 31 December 2004, flights over a year old will not count unless they've already been submitted.

There's a one-time fee of $20 for current SSA members to participate. There are certificates for reaching the milestones of 5000, 10000, 20000 and 40000 km and a nifty little 'ring of Saturn' to go on your FAI gold (or silver, I guess) badge once you reach 40,000 km.

Why 40,000 km? That's the distance around the Earth.

The rules and forms are here.

Usenet post with more details about the rules change.

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