Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Obviously not glider pilots

This web site has some great pictures of red-tailed hawks building and tending a nest on the ledge of an apartment building in New York City. However, the landlords tore it down (the nest, not the building), much to the dismay of, oh, every nature lover in Manhattan. Were the hawks eating too many subway rats or something?* At least the Audubon Society is on the case.
Update: The building is a co-op and the board of directors says the hawks will be allowed to return. Meanwhile, one of the more vocal hawk buffs has been arrested for harassing CNN anchor Paula Zahn, who lives in the building; Mary Tyler Moore (who also lives in the building) has hired him a lawyer.
*I learned that some building residents were troubled by the pigeon, squirrel and rat remains that tend to litter the sidewalk twelve stories below the nest. It's nature, red in tooth and claw, folks.

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