Thursday, December 02, 2004

Why a weblog?

The club's main web page is relatively static and it takes Mario a lot of time and effort to update it. Whereas a weblog can be updated every time something newsworthy happens, even several times a day. If a glider needs maintenance, we can put it in the weblog. If we want a tow pilot for Saturday, we can put it in the weblog. You do not need any HTML skills to post messages, and it can be done by email. In fact this post was originally made by email. It could even by done by email from a cell phone.

As for weblogs having being accurate, just like any other communications medium it pretty much depends on how accurate the communicator is.

This isn't secure. I would not put confidential information on the web, even protected by a password.
*bumped from 11/8/04*

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